Guide for CTL (e-book) »  Methodological Framework - How did we analyze CTL?

3.  Methodological Framework - How did we analyze CTL?

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In the first phase of the project cases of good practice in teachers’ collaborative learning were collected and examined. The selection of cases was guided by criteria which describe the characteristics of collaborative learning, as defined by the project partners. The cases were analysed individually and comparatively, and similarities and differences between them identified.

During the second phase, based on the conclusions of the case studies’ analysis and on intensive discussion, the partnership has designed a draft methodological framework (MF),and piloted professional development programmes on collaborative teacher learning, for which the draft MF served as a guideline, and after the pilot programmes the Guidelines was finalis ed. It consists of the two sections which follow:

  • Guiding ideas and
  • Guidelines for designing and evaluating CTL programmes.

It has two functions. Firstly, it offers ideas and guidance on the development of collaborative learning practices between teachers and between teachers and other stakeholders. Secondly, it offers guidance in designing the CTL programmes, as it happened in the EFFeCT pilots..

Besides finalising the Guidelines the EFFeCT-portal was constructed as a collection of supportive materials for building your own rich road to collaborative teacher learning. All have something to offer and individual users or teams may find what they feel they need in any section. Colleagues who are initiating or involved in seeking strategies for embedding or supporting changes in education content or practice, for instant head teachers, mentors and policy makers may find it useful to look at the whole compendium, the European Methodological Framework of CTL

We hope you find your journey interesting, challenging, fun and above all fulfilling both personally and professionally, for yourself, your institution or department and, above all, the future of all involved in the educational process: teachers, learners and the society.

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