EFFeCT webinar

The EFFeCT project was closed on April 30 2018, aiming to promote the collaborative learning of teachers to the widest range of stakeholders. The consortium puts strong emphasis on promoting the main project outcomes, like the Guide for CTL, the Resource Pool, the Library and Glossary and other project results.

During dissemination two major activities have taken place both targeted at influencing European Level policy:

One is an international webinar on Apil 25 2018. where cca 50 policy-makers took part on both national and EU level.

The presentations of the webinar can be downloaded from the agenda below, while the recording of the webinar can be watched also here.


Opening of the webinar - Mika Risku (Moderator)


Introduction of the EFFeCT project –Albrechtné Garai Katalin


Research and development of the MF - Philip Woods

15.25- 15.40

Testing of the MF: findings of the pilot programmes LVCZHU – Rolands, Ozols, Glynn Kirkham, Szegedi Eszter


Methodological Framework and the Guide – Glynn Kirkham  

15.55- 16.10

Introduction of the webpage (Glossary, Library, E-book) – Albrechtné Garai Katalin

16.10- 16.25

Resource Pool and the introduction of a chosen resourcepool element – Teresa O’Doherty

16.25- 16.45

Moderated discussion –Mika Risku (Moderator)

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