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Reflecting question for professional communities

Questions for you to reflect on by yourself and with your professional community In this practice you can find two figures (paradigm shift and learning paradigms) and a bunch of questions, which are useful to think about what kind of changes has been happened in the last years at your organisation and what changes are neccesary in the future?
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Inspiring Articles

Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge - Lessons Learned from Intervention Studies

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is generally accepted as positively impacting teaching quality and student learning. Therefore, research on PCK development in (prospective) teachers is highly relevant. Based on a search in three databases (ERIC, PsycInfo, and Web of Science),a systematic review is conducted on intervention studies aiming at PCK development. The research questions are threefold: (1) How are the studies designed? (2) How are the interventions designed? and (3) What elements of interventions contribute to PCK development? The results show that most intervention studies are conducted in math and science education and use a qualitative methodology. Reflection, PCK courses, contact with other teachers, and experiences in educational practice are typically part of effective interventions. The review enables the identification of clear guidelines that may strengthen future research on stimulating PCK.
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10 Team-Building Games That Promote Critical Thinking

Students must be engaged and cooperation must be practiced, and often. The following team-building games can promote cooperation and communication, help establish a positive classroom environment and — most importantly — provide a fun, much-needed reprieve from routine.
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Identifying Teacher Quality – a reflection toolbox for teachers and student teachers

From 2006 to 2009, the RDC has been involved in a EU funded Comenius project named Identifying Teacher Quality. The ITQ project aimed at developing reflection tools for teachers to reflect on their professional quality.
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How school buildings affect teacher collaboration

The work of teaching is changing. For much of the 20th century, most teachers worked alone behind classroom doors, with little interaction with their colleagues. In recent years, however, teacher collaboration has emerged as an important strategy to drive improvement, informed by research showing how on-the-job interactions can boost teacher development and effectiveness.
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How to design areas that allow formal and informal discussions and team-work

This post was written by Anna Rose, Director of architecture and design company Space Syntax It is one of the articles in the National Teacher Enquiry Network newsletter.
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Chatham House

The Chatham House Rule originated at Chatham House with the aim of providing anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and the sharing of information. It is now used throughout the world as an aid to free discussion.
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