Resource Pool »  Sensitization


Word Game with EFFECT

This game can be a good start of common thinking about terms and values related to learning, collaboration, effectiveness etc. with teachers, or simply asking people what they understand by these terms. This in itself will provoke discussion.
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Snakes and ladders

The Rocky Road to Collaborative Learning! This game uses points made by teachers who have taken part in Collaborative Learning projects in schools. It show some of the things teachers involved in moving towards Collaborative Learning have found helpful in making progress
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Inspiring Articles

Promoting teachers’ positive attitude to Web use

The purpose of the study was to examine effects of a compact training for developing web sites on teachers’ web attitude, as composed of: web self efficacy, perceived web enjoyment, perceived web usefulness and behavioral intention to use the web.
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What influences teachers to change their practice?

The Department for Education commissioned the National Centre for Social Research to undertake a rapid review of the research on how teachers’ practices are established and shaped and what influences their adoption of new practice, particularly in relation to managing behaviour. The majority of teachers manage behaviour well. However, this commission stems from a particular concern that although there are some well-known, simple and effective approaches to behaviour management, not all teachers implement these practices. The Department for Education therefore wants to know what might be effective in increasing teachers’ use of effective approaches to behaviour management.
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